Instructions for preparation of stamps for Oxfam:

All new and used Canadian, foreign and commemorative stamps are acceptable.

1. Check to make sure there are no tears in the stamp, no tape over it, no damaged corners, etc.

2. Leaving a border around the stamp of at least 1 cm or ¼ inch, unless there are special markings which should be included, c
ut stamps off envelope l.  It would be appreciated if you would cut the stamps rather than tearing them as I have to clip them for Oxfam.  Big job!!

3. Hand cancellations are more desirable than machine cancellations.

4. Special markings on envelope e.g: postage due or no such address.

5. Commemorative stamps (more desirable) – stamps which honour people, places or events.  Christmas stamps fall into this category.

If you have any more questions or need the mailing address please email

Thank you,

Flo Reid